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Best earning plan in cryptocurrency

Last WBTC shall be Mined in the year Jun 2038. Now White Bitcoin Organization is doing Mining because it is running a VIP Affiliate Program.

In this VIP Affiliate Program it distribute up to 20% dividend profit in WBTC. After complete VIP Affiliate Program WBTC Mining will publicly and then any one setup mining pool & start mining. After Mining Public there was 4s of pools, 10s of mining companies and 100s of miners across the globe mining 11135.68151 White Bitcoin per day. If mining will be feasible by then because transactions then would be in millions per day and miners will get transaction fee which will be far more rewarding than mining.

White Bitcoin mining reward halves every 4 years as per specified below, with every block taking an average 10 minutes to mine : -

It started in Jun 2018 to Jun 2022 with 154.6622432 White Bitcoin per 10 minute block

 i.e. 154.6622432*24*60/10=22271.36301 per day (currently we are in this cycle)

then from Jun 2022 to 2026 , 77.33112158 White Bitcoin per block, 11135.68151 per day

From Jun 2026 to Jun 2030 , 5567.840753 per day

From Jun 2030 to Jun 2034 , 2783.920377 per day

From Jun 2034 to Jun 2038 , 1391.960188 per day and so on last White Bitcoin shall be mined in Jun 2038 which will be a fraction of White Bitcoin.